NORTHERN BEACHES of Sydney & part of North Shore

The pictures and links below show photos of specific areas of expertise to demonstrate our well honed skills.

There is nothing more annoying than a door which will not work properly.  Handy Work repairs all sorts of issues with doors, whether a sliding or a hinged door, including:

  • Micro adjusting hinges & striker plates so doors latch properly and do not rattle

  • Replacing hinges which are stiff and perhaps rusty

  • Fixing rollers on sliding doors so it does not jam or stick

  • Replacing latches, locks, passage & privacy sets perhaps for a more modern look

  • Trimming a door down after new carpet is laid.

  • Adding weather strips to stop water or insects coming in.

  • Replacing doors, passage sets and security sets to update the look of the house.

  • Replace kitchen cupboard hinges that have failed.

Handy Work is multi-skilled in virtually all areas of property, building & carpentry improvements.
No matter whether it is new work, modifications or repairs. Get us to fix everything you need done in one go. You don’t have to hang around day after day, waiting for multiple trades, who may or may not turn up.

Call Bruce on 0418 26 46 49 or click 'Contact' to ask your questions and we’ll call you.

Taking the hassle out of your property improvements.

Handy Work - Just one call for all your property work… Done !

Fix Sliding Door - Forestville

Sliding doors commonly have roller problems which prevent them moving smoothly and sometimes they jam or stick in places.  The cavity slider is fully within the wall so you cannot get to the mechanism when jammed open.  Handy Work has mostly been able to reinstate these doors and adjust things so they slide smoothly again.

This door in a Northern Beaches home was off its track and the pelmet pieces were non-existent, so Handy Work made new pelmets which can be removed if necessary to adjust or tighten the rollers, if ever needed in the future.

Before when off the track

Sliding door off its track and jamming.

After repairs and a new pelmet

After the door is repaired and pelmet in place

New Stainless Steel Hinges - Fairlight

As part of a renovation, Handy Work replaced all the hinges with Stainless Steel hinges and replaced the passage sets on all bedroom and bathroom doors.

New hinges and passage sets