NORTHERN BEACHES of Sydney & part of North Shore

The pictures and links below show photos of specific areas of expertise to demonstrate our well honed skills.

Insect Screens or Fly Screens are almost an essential accessory to any window.  So much more pleasant than fending off pesky mosquitoes and flies.  Handy Work can both make new screens or repair existing screens and can usually do it on-site at your place.

Updated January 2024: A single insect screen mesh replacement is a tiny job for Handy Work and starts at around $60 for a small to average windows. However the first one will cost more because of the tools & work area set up required on-site (so perhaps add $110 for the set up and call out fee if a small job) but subsequent screen re-meshing will likely be around this amount. Sliding insect screen door re-meshing typically works out between $160 and $180 for the first sliding door and $100 to $120 for additional doors.

Some windows and sliding door mesh replacements are quick to do and some require additional work, like drilling out of pop-rivets on latches and cross bar positioning, so can take longer.

Making a new insect screen frame and meshing it for a window is straight forward for Handy Work but new sliding insect screen doors are a specialised and expensive proposition, as it requires factory manufacture by specialists. A new swinging, hinged door is straight forward in most cases. New timber framed insect screens are more costly to make and re-meshing the very old wooden insect screen doors are screened differently so can take a bit longer. The more modern aluminium screen door is usually very quick to re-mesh.

The easiest and therefore cheapest fly screens to make are for sliding windows, most double hung windows and many awning windows.  The tricky ones are the older style casement windows (which open with hinges to one side)  If an awning or casement window has a wind out chain then it may not be that hard to fit a new fly screen.

Replacing screen materials are fairly easy for Handy Work because we have the right tools and know the shortcuts but the existing frame needs evaluation to ensure it is worth re screening and in some cases it is best to replace the spline rubber at the same time.

The most commonly used insect mesh used is Fibreglass. It is fairly flexible, and moderately resistant to damage and the most transparent to see through. There are heavier duty Fiberglass meshes available, which are slightly more expensive but also cut out your view a bit more.

If you are in a bush fire prone area then a special metal mesh is required.  Some people think that metal mesh is better than Fiberglass. It is actually more brittle and is holed more easily, if bumped by any sharp object. It also corrodes a little after a few years getting a white fleck appearance and is much more difficult to install, so more expensive.

You can also have both new and replacement screens done in pet safe mesh, so your cat or dog does not destroy it as fast as we fix it.  Just remember Pet Mesh is not quite as see through. you will loose some view and cut down on light transmission a little to get this additional toughness and it is slower to install and therefore more expensive.

Handy Work is multi-skilled in virtually all areas of property, building & carpentry improvements.
No matter whether it is new work, modifications or repairs. Get us to fix everything you need done in one go. You don’t have to hang around day after day, waiting for multiple trades, who may or may not turn up.

Call Bruce on 0418 26 46 49 or click 'Contact' to ask your question and we’ll call you.

Taking the hassle out of your property improvements.

Handy Work - Just one call for all your property work… Done !

The old story still applies; “GOOD PEOPLE ARE BUSY, AND THOSE THAT AREN’T, YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT” Therefore it is always best to get your job bookings in early to avoid disappointment.

Replacing Fly Screen Mesh at a Church office

The fly screens mesh on several windows in this nunnery building were shredded or missing so Handy Work re meshed them all one morning by setting up a temporary workshop in the car park.

Re meshing insect screens
Remesh old screens to keep out insects